Design Ethics

Technology, Design, Ethics

This seminar about Design Ethics was lead by Ariel Guersenvaig. Technology is everywhere Technosphere technological texture to life Don Ihde, Existential exists - texture to life

The mediating role of technology we shape our tool and then tools shape us. john culkin Technology and the lifeworld. don ihde

Don Ihde’s “Technology and the Lifeworld” with key concepts and takeaways:

Technological Embodiment:

Technology acts as an extension of the human body, shaping how we interact with and perceive the world. Example: Glasses altering visual perception, enhancing our ability to see. Phenomenological Framework:

The book uses phenomenology to explore how technologies mediate human experiences and world relations. Focuses on subjective experiences and the human-centered perspective on technology. Four Types of Human-Technology Relations:

Embodiment Relations: Technologies become part of our bodily experience (e.g., wearing a watch). Hermeneutic Relations: Technologies require interpretation to be understood (e.g., reading a thermometer). Alterity Relations: Technologies are interacted with as ‘other’ or as quasi-other (e.g., playing with a robot). Background Relations: Technologies silently shape the context of our actions (e.g., automatic lighting). Mediation of Experience:

Technologies mediate our perception and interaction with the world, influencing not only what we see and do but how we think and feel. Micro-perception and Macro-perception:

Ihde discusses how technology affects both micro-perception (immediate sensory experiences) and macro-perception (broader cultural and societal understanding). Technology’s Double-edged Nature:

Technologies can both enhance and limit human capabilities and experiences. They have the potential to solve problems but also create new ones. Ethical and Environmental Considerations:

Urges consideration of the broader impacts of technology, including unintended consequences. Calls for a more reflective and responsible approach to technological development. Key Takeaways:

Technologies are not neutral; they actively shape human life and perceptions. Understanding the ways technologies mediate our experiences can lead to more informed and ethical choices regarding their use. The book challenges readers to think critically about the role of technology in society and individual lives. “Ihde’s work invites us to scrutinize the pervasive influence of technology, emphasizing a balanced and thoughtful engagement with technological innovations.”

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